Flexo plates for spot varnishing and tactile varnish application | Laser Flex
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Flexo plates for spot varnishing and tactile varnish application

Do you want the glistening luster for your packaging that would catch the eye of a buyer?


Order the photopolymer plates for spot varnishing to get the gloss effect!


Printing plates made from nyloflex photopolymer plates are designed for tricky types of inline/offline printing products refinement with water-based or UV-based varnishes, water-based inks with metallic and pearlescent pigments for sheet-fed offset printing. The varnish layer applied on the surface of the package which, in addition to the aesthetic functions such as gloss and matte, provides additional protection against dampness and tear. Spot varnishing offers optimum solution of gluing the finished product. In this case there is no need to apply the special glue on the varnished layer.


Photopolymer plates for spot varnishing guarantee:

  • Precise image transfer, including fine details
  • Perfect inks and varnishes transfer
  • Brilliant luster
  • High runnability


Plates for spot varnishing gets shining luster for your packaging!

Want to order photopolymer forms for selective varnishing and applying tactile varnishes?