Each unit of the printing equipment has a set of parameters that directly affect the printing process. Apart from technical specifications, each machine has its own character. Sometimes it is difficult to understand if you need to tighten or loosen something. As a result precious minutes and working hours are lost. We are ready to help you get to know your workhorses better, optimize and standardize the printing process.
Proper test printing will ensure predictability and controllability of the printing process in the future. Given the characteristics of your equipment we manufacture a set of printing plates with special sets of color chart and test elements.
Testing impressions allow evaluating the most important specifications of the printing process:
- The most suitable liniature.
- Optical density of a solid ink layer, printing machine’s color gamut.
- The possibility of reproducing separate thin lines and dots, texts, fine details and halftones.
- Color transfer.
- Dot gain.
- Alignment accuracy and trapping.
It is important to boost the optimization of the printing process during the testing process, in other words, to achieve the acceptable quality of test impressions at a real production speeds.
The finished test impressions allow measurement of color targets containing sets of primary colors and building of ICC profile for a printing machine by using GretagMacbeth SpectroEye and GretagMacbeth Eye-One Pro spectrophotometers. In the future, the ICC profile is applied in the preparation of original layouts in professional graphic editors. Based on the testing results, a color management system is created and internal quality standards are developed within one particular plant with its peculiarities and working methods.
If you need test forms, building an ICC profile, or technical recommendations you just need contact us!